Sunday, December 9, 2012

Hilarious new blog about life with an MBA student

There's really not that many resources out there for the significant other of an MBA student, which is one of the reasons I started this blog -- to share with others some of my experiences as someone who is married into the MBA world and starting a new life in L.A. I figured if I've already lost a bit of my soul looking into things like health insurance and drivers licenses, I might as well spare somebody else the time & suffering in doing the exact same thing as me. (Mind you I haven't really kept up with the blogging as well as I would've liked to, but slowly but surely I will publish the 38 posts currently saved in my drafts folder).

Now for pure commiserating pleasure, one of the other wives has found the link to a blog called Living with a Business School Student and it is fantastic. The premise of the blog is clever one-liners paired with 2-second video clips and there's some really funny stuff on it I'm sure many B-School significant others can identify with. Here are my favourites:

When I got to the first partner´s club meeting I was like:

When I do all the laundry and he comes home and complains 
that I put his shirts in the wrong drawer:

 When my husband puts on a suit for his recruiting events, I'm like:

When a student tells me they are switching from banking to finance, I'm like:

When someone asks when I think my boyfriend will "pop the question", I'm like:

When my husband tells me he's accepted a rotational program 
in Kalamazoo "just for a year", I'm like:

When I'm actually able to help my husband fix an 
Excel formula, I'm like:

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